The FellowshipOne Blog

Updates to the Contributions App

THANK YOU to those of you who have provided feedback on the F1 Contributions App. We’re excited to release version 3.1 soon. In this release, we focused on improvements to reduce common errors and we’re introducing a new feature we think will excite you: batched check scanning.

Error Reduction:

  • Added default contribution type so you can pre-set the contribution type for your batch and minimize errors
  • Improved the design to highlight contribution type during scanning/entry
  • Increased check image size to present check details with more clarity

Improved Usability:

  • Improved batch summary to show batch amount and total amount scanned
  • Improved contribution detail, focusing on the Amount field
  • Reconfigured keyboard navigation so that Enter key submits a contribution and initiates a new one
  • Added a Save Batch button that clarifies state of a working batch
  • Updated the Fellowship One portal view of scanned batches to reflect the current state of a batch, not simply a snapshot at time of entry (audit history still available to show the entry state and changes made)

  • Scan 60 to 90 checks per minute
  • Epson CaptureOne Batch Scanner now supported
  • New user workflow allows you to quickly update the amounts associated with a batch of checks