Take a look at a preview of updates coming in our next release. Keep reading for more details!
More Searchable Items Available in People Search
This upcoming release will give the People Search feature even more power. The “name” field in People Search will now support searches with former name, hyphens, and apostrophes, making it easier to find the person you’re looking for. If an individual has a former name, you’ll see it listed in the search results in parenthesis after their current name. Additionally, the former name will be listed in the People Search exports.

Latest Pages with Updated Designs
We’ve updated the designs on a few more pages in Portal! Some of them also include new capabilities or information that wasn’t displayed on the page before. See below for the details!
Add Assignment Search Page
The search page when adding an assignment will be updated and will now include an individual’s sub status in the search results.

Add/Edit Assignment Page
The add/edit assignment page design has been updated and will offer more clarity on what the required fields are (denoted by an asterisk). Additionally, we’ve removed any schedules that occurred in the past from the “Schedule” dropdown menu so you can find your desired schedule more easily.
Mass Assignment Change Page

Post/View Attendance Pages
In addition to the design updates, when viewing the posted attendance, you will now be able to filter and sort on information relating to the individual (i.e. name, age, etc.).
Updates to Contacts On the “View All Contact Items” page, you can now filter on contact item and date range (which filters on the contact items’ created date). For added visibility, when entering a contact item via the Individual and Household page’s “Contact items” cards, you will now see the Portal user (and the associated ministry) the Contact item will route to after its creation. For increased usability, on the “Enter Contact Form” page, the optional comment fields used when entering a Contact Form are now larger text boxes and are able to be expanded if needed.

We’re looking forward to this release and will communicate an exact release date soon. Stay tuned!