Updates to the F1+Shelby Financials integration
For churches using the integration between FellowshipOne and Shelby Financials, when you sync your F1 transactions to Shelby Financials in the form of journal entries, you can now choose to export them as a single journal entry or split into multiple journal entries (based on fund). Combining them into a single journal entry will better facilitate the matching of unposted journal entries in Shelby Financials and your bank deposits.
For more information on how to use the integration with Shelby Financials, see the F1 Help Center.
Usability Updates to People Pages
We’ve made a few updates within the “People” pages with the goals of saving you time and effort. Some highlights include:
- After searching for someone on the People Search page, the name field will still be highlighted after your search, so you can start typing another person’s name without scrolling back to the top of the screen. This is really helpful when you’re working through a list of people and just needing to note some of the high-level details present on the People Search page.
- When adding an individual to an existing household, you can now select “Save and Add Another” to continuing adding individuals to the same household.
- When adding a requirement on an Individual’s record, today’s date will pre-populate in the date field and (if your Portal user is linked to an individual record), your user will be selected by default in the “Portal user” field.
Usability Updates for Contacts
The biggest item to call out here is that the email notification you receive for Contacts assigned to you will now have a link that takes you directly to the related Contact in FellowshipOne! Thanks to everyone who provided feedback around this item in some of our recent feedback surveys! Along with this update, we’ve also improved the Contact notification email in general to be consistent with our updated email style. You can also expect these emails to come from email@fellowshipone.com, which is an update aimed at improving the consistency of all users receiving these notifications in their inbox.

For more details on all the updates in this release, please see the Release Notes.