The FellowshipOne Blog

10 Reasons to Love Your Ministry Job

Ministry is difficult, but so are most other kinds of jobs. If you haven’t thought about the upsides of your employment lately, Valentine’s Day (which just happens to fall on Sunday this year) is a great time to revisit the many reasons to love ministry.

We’ll get you started with ten reasons to fall back in love with what you do, even on the toughest days.

1. It’s all about love. Maybe The Beatles were on to something. If there’s anything God wants us to do it’s to give love, share love and express our love through faith. Not only are you fulfilling that promise for yourself, your work is encouraging it out of others.

2. It’s not just a job, it’s a vocation. When you work in a job, you’re working to earn, to gather benefits and to build skills. When you work within your vocation, you are fulfilling your most personal purpose and you leave each day with the greater understanding that your time and efforts make a positive difference.

3. It’s entrepreneurial. The possibilities for programs and projects within ministry are endless. Our job is to reach people, and it takes a lot of experimentation and innovation to figure out what resonates with people in a fast-changing world. (And you have a Helper to guide you!)

4. You’re never alone. Ministry is about community. Just as you lift up others who need it, you know your church community is there to do the same for you.

5. It’s not strictly a desk job. The great thing about ministry these days is that a lot of what you do can be managed anytime, anywhere with the right technology.

6. You’ll get rich (spiritually speaking). Not too many people join ministry for the money, but we all know the greatest rewards come in spiritual forms.

7. The commission is great! Every day we are commissioned and called to spread God’s Word. it’s a great responsibility that comes with great reward.

8. You’re probably already familiar with the job manual. You’re lucky enough to have a guide that is thousands of years old and has withstood the test of time.

9. Your boss is really forgiving. Is there a better boss to have than the Lord?

10. There’s no shortage of “customers.” We have the most diverse customer base in the world! Welcoming people of every size, shape, color and background is what you do best.

What else made you fall in love with ministry?