The FellowshipOne Blog

Grow and Empower Community with Small Groups


Helping people find the right group

Getting individuals connected into a small group is a proven way to help build community among believers and improve their spiritual growth. Using FellowshipOne’s group features, visitors and members can search for a group online through your existing website and submit an interest form for one or more groups. An email notification is sent immediately to the selected volunteers serving as group leaders. Group leaders can then respond with information about the small group and, if there is a fit, add that person to the leader’s small group.

Empowering lay leaders

Churches that offer a Groups ministry often rely on volunteer leaders to manage and report on the groups in their care. Some churches have hundreds, or even thousands, of groups to monitor and keep track of, which can make the administrative burden seem insurmountable without the proper tools.

FellowshipOne can handle everything from a few home groups to thousands of groups focused on different subject areas. You can enable lay leaders to manage and report on the activities   of their small groups. The leaders can quickly and easily take attendance, respond to contact requests, update individual information, communicate with the group, and more, all without burdening the church staff with additional administrative responsibilities.

Safely connecting group members

Some groups fall into the social media trap. With FellowshipOne, the congregational portal provides a private, central location for each group, where members can submit prayer requests, get status updates and communicate with each other. Only the group members and the church staff can access the groups’ private communications.

To learn more about all FellowshipOne has to offer for Groups ministries, click here.