The FellowshipOne Blog

Is your website ready for holiday visitors?

It’s no secret that the upcoming month is one of the two most critical times of the year for your church. Amidst the end-of-year giving crunch, addition of more services, and various holiday activities, you and your team are on overdrive until after the new year starts. However, there is an aspect of the holiday season for churches that sometimes slips through the cracks.

This a critical time for visitors coming to your church and your church website.

There are going to be extended families of your members and people looking for a new church mixed in this group, but most importantly, there is going to be an influx of people who haven’t been through your doors. For many of these people, their first point of contact with your church is going to be your website.

Our friends at Clover have some tips for how you can improve your website here.